Monday, April 23, 2012

Half Done

More tomorrow,,,,bunn needs rest off this chair

Here Comes Tuey,,,,woooohooooo and the rain :(

The day has arrived,,,,,,,,,,,,,its been two years,,,,,,,its time for Tuey and his friends and my family, CJ and Tamara, and the CONCRETE,,,,,,,yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

No rain for months,,,,our concrete truck pulls in the drive and it starts pouring,,,,,,,,,,,,oh boy,,,i wanted to cry,,,,but tuey and randy put up plastic around the sides and tuey told me it would all work out fine,,,,,,,,,,,,,and it did,,,,,,,,,,,,,A PERFECT CONCRETE FLOOR,,,,,,BEING A tile setter, and it going to be all tile floor, tuey understood what i needed,,,,wooohoooooooooooooooGrannies brebre and her momma,,,,,,hi cutie,,,

you and your guys are doing a grttttttttt job tuey,,,,,,,huggers
Thanks for helping CJ,,,,muahhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,Chubby to, lol

gravell leveled and some fun

my sis was here for two weeks,,,,,,,,,,,,miss you all bunches

I get to be eight again,,,,,,,,,,,ohhhhhhh, what fun it is,,,,,,

Help getting it leveled

Keyla and i didn't have a job to do today, so we leveled some gravel and let Corky babysit Brody, so cute!!!
Whats grandpa and vern doing,,,,i bet they want to go swimming,,,,

the gravel

the gravel comes,,,,,,,,,,we fill in the plumbing lines,,,now lets get boards up for our floor...No rain for the whole year now, its July,,,,,

Star of my summer

Corky thinks hes a star,,,,,,,,,,,,watch out girls,,,,,grandpas coming, he doesn't want his gravel scattered,,,,,,,,,lol

Little Miss Taylor arrives, here come the cousins to help her have a grt time at grandma and pa house

Get the Digger

thanks for helping charlie

Time to dig the plumbing lines now that we have a roof over our heads, and of course it broke,,,so there goes another weekend we cant work on the house

Time for the Roof

roof delivered, and that machine lifter to be in use soon,,,
Had to get a line all the way around 8 ft mark, or there about, to set the roof trusses on, then set the trusses

Year is Up

Now we figure out where exactly we want the house, on weekends, weekends only,,we start digging the wholes for the posts,,,,,3ft down,,,concrete surrounding every pole,,,,can you feel my legs,,,they are getting tired,,,,

Then it Settles for a Year

The Ground has to settle for a year,,,,,,lets just sit around and wait,,lol

Started here

Hubby moved the dirt around, i finally figured out how i wanted the house to face, slightly towards the east, but mostly south, towards the pond and the woods